1.2 Grammar

Open your Market Leader book on pages 98 and 99: Develop exercises A to F of Language 

Focus 1. 


A. Complete these sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs in brakets.

is Max coming to the meeting tomorrow?(COME)

2 No, he’s not in the office. He is traveling on  business all wek. (travel)

3 He is not coming back until next Monday.(come)


B. Complete this text using the present continuos form of the verbs in brakets.

‘m meeting (meet)  Mr Yamashiro next week. He arriving (arrive) on Tuesday night.

On Wenesday, I taking (take) him to the factory. I’m not seeing (not see) him on Thursday, but I driving (drive) him to the airport on Friday.


C.Look  at you diary. Talk about three or four things you are doing next week.

I’m attending a seminar on Friday morning.

I’m visiting friends at the weekend.

I’m meeting with my clasmates at the weeken.

I’m going to traveling  to Barranquilla on  Saturday.

I’m shopping a watercraft the next month.

I’m seeing movies to nigth with my girlfriend


D. Complete these sentences using going to.

The computer are very slow. What does we going to do about it?

2 we  are not going to buy new computers. I think it’s too expensive.

3 we are going to upgrade the sofware instead.


E. CD 2.31  Listening to Janine and Patrick about their plans for the next year. Decide whether these sentences about their plans are true (T) or false (F) .

Correct the false ones.

1 Janine is going to change her job. 


2 She is going to do a course.  


3 She is  going to go abroad for her summer holiday. 

(F)  She going to stay in her house.

4 Patrick is going to change his job. 

(F) Patrick is going to move to flat.

5He is going to move a new house /flat. 


6 He is going to buy a new car. 

(F) He is going to buy a motorbike.


F. Tick (  ><  ) the plans below wich are true for you. Add four more plans to each list.

Fixed arrangement for the nex week.                 


Intentions for the next year

Go away for the weekend.


Changes Job


Go on a bussines trip.


Do a course  


Attend a meeting.


Go abroad on holiday.


Write a report/an essay.


Move to a new house/flat 


Entertain business visitors.        


Do more exercise 



Open your Market Leader book on page 101: Develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 

2 (all exercises can be developed individually). 


A. Work in pairs. Find the sentences with mistakes and correct them.

1- Desk phones and desktop computer disappear in the next five years.

Desk phones and desktop computers will disappear in the next five years.

2- Most companies will be open for business 24/7

Most companies will be opening business 24/7

3- As result, it not be easy for staff to have a good work-life balance

As result, it won’t be easy for staff to have a good work-life balance

4- I will think most companies use social networking tools for internal communication.

I think most companies will use social networking tools for internal communication.

5- As a result, managers no spend as much time travelling for work.

As a result, managers won’t spend much time travelling for work.


B. Work in pairs. Make a list of three or four changes you think will happen in office communication. Share your ideas with another pair.

Messages will have more data such as photos.

The TV will have an educational sense

More people will be able to be professional through virtual universities

Everyone will be connected; the news reached every corner of the planet.


C. Complete the sentences below with future time expressions from the box. 
end of     five year´s     in the next     july     next     the day after     time     tomorrow

1 Sales of luxure cars will double by next year.

2 I’ll send you a copy of the report tomorrow morning.

3 we’ll finish the work before the end  of June.

4 I’ll be back in the office the day after  tomorrow.

5 we’ll finish the work  on the new building next July.

6 In two weeks time,we’ll review the budget.

7 We will need to modernise our factory in the next two years.

8 Most people will have a fast broadband connection at home in five year´s time.


D. Match the statements (1-5) to the offes (a-e). 

E. Work in groups. You have to organise the launch of  your new website. Offer to do as many things as possible. Give reasons. Use  the list below  and your  own ideas.

First we bring people that are going to help us, to make the launch of the website. We must come together to make a report, we need to design the invitations, we do well coming, the conference room, we apartarlo.Debemos make a commercial and a phrase that identifies our website.

Then we have to look at the guest list and snacks that will provide, as well as the type of music for the presentation. Finally offer a toast to the web.


Now go over exercises A to C on page 107 of your Market Leader book about the use 

of should/shouldn’t. 

A. Complete the sentences below using should or shouldn´t and phrase from the box. 
speak to our boss     buy an expensivecomputer system     be late     develop a better webside     stay days

1-   Our online business is bad.

We should develop a better website

2-   Our team is working too many hours.

We should speak to our boss.

3-   The meeting is very important

We shouldn’t be late

4-   She wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain.

She should  stay three days.

5-   we have to control our cost.

You shouldn’t buy an expensive computer system


B. Give the opposite advice by using should, shouldn´t or I don´t think 

1-   I think he should get a salary increase.

I don’t think he should get a salary increase.

2-   I think we should launch the new product now.

I don’t  think should launch the new product  now.

3-   She shouldn’t take customers to expensive restaurants.

She should take customers to expensive restaurants.

4-   We should take every customer complaint seriously.

We shouldn’t take every customer complaint seriously

5-   I think staff  should fly economy on every trip.

I don’t think staff should fly economy on every trip.


Develop exercises A to E on page 109 of your Market Leader book about the use 

of could/would. 

A. These questions were asked on a plane jouerney. Decide whether they were asked by the flight 
attendant. (F) or the Passenger (P) 
1-   Could I have another drink, please? (P)

2-   Would you like a newspaper?  (F)

3-   Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? (P)

4-   would you like another drink? (F)

5-   Could I have some mineral water, please? (P)

6-   would you like coffee or tea? (F)

7-   Could you fasten your seat belt, please? (F)

8-   Could you help me. find the movie channel, please? (P)


B. Which of the questions in exercise A offers, and which are requests? 

1-   Could I have another drink, please? requests

2-   Would you like a newspaper?  offer

3-   Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? requests

4-   would you like another drink? offer

5-   Could I have some mineral water, please? requests

6-   would you like coffee or tea? offer

7-   Could you fasten your seat belt, please? requests

8-   Could you help me find the movie channel, please? Requests


C. You are at the hotel reception desk. Use the verbs in brackets to make polite requests. 

1-   you need a map of the city. (have)  Could I have a map of the city, please?

2-   you want to go a good restaurant. (recommend) Could you recommend a good restaurant,please?

3-   you didn’t hear that.(say)   I didn’t hear that, Could you say that again , please?

4-   you want a photocopy of a document.(copy). Could you copy  this document for me ,please?

5-   you want your bill.(have). Could  I have my bill, please?

6-   you want a taxi.(call).  Could you call me a taxi, please?


E. CD 2.43 Listen again. How does the other person reply?

The other person is responding in a way, short and respectful.


Complete exercises A to E on page 114 and A and B on page 117 of your Market Leader 


Pag 114
A. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1-   I have given (give) two presentation this month.

2-   I haven’t sent (not send) any e-mail today.

3-   He has changed (change) jobs recently.

4-   Magda has been (be) away on business all week.

5-   They haven’t had ( not have) any experience in negotiating.


B. Math  the job interview question (1-5) to their answers ( a-e).

D. Complete these interview questions using the ´resent perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 

1-   How have you changed ( you change) over the last five years?

2-   what sofware programs have you used (you use) recently?

3-   what have you learned (you learn) from your other jobs?

4-   what sort of problems have you had ( you have)  to deal with?

5-   what part of your job have you  enjoyed ( you enjoy) the most?

6-   which countries have you visited (you visit) for work/study?


PAG 117

A. Read this profile about Martin Reed´s career. Chose the past simple or the present perfect 
form of the verbs to complete it. 

I think I have had an interesting career.  I studied at  Oxford University from 1997 to 2000. Then  I applied for jobs abroad.  I worked in Hong Kong for three years, and  then I have come to Japan in January 2004.  I have been for more than eigth years and I still love it.

I’ll never go back to the UK.

During my career, I have donne a number odf different jobs,too. I sold computer sofware in Hong Kong. I  taught  English  for my first tear in Japan. Since then, I have run my own  training company. It is very successful.


B. Tick the expressions below that you can use to complete this sentence. 
Mr Kato has been very busy...
This week  ><
Last week  ><
Since Monday  ><
Last month
Two weeks ago  ><
For the last two weeks  ><
Yesterday  ><
Today  ><
Recently  ><