1.1 Cocabulary

Open your Market Leader book on page 97 and develop exercises A to C on internal 


A. How do companies communicate with employees? What methods can you think of? 
Companies use many methods, such as visual, customized by effecting communication campaigns 
the internal network they manage, brochures, presentations magnetic media and television screens, 
used gifts with alluding to what they need and want their staff to learn phrases and understand.. 
B. Complete the text below using the words from the box. 
1. Print 
2. Face to Face 
3. Workplace 
4. Electronic 
5. Company Intranet 

These days,  companies are spending more  time and money on improving internal communication wich takes place inside an organisation. Communication will be downwards (from managers  to junior staff),upwards ( from staff to managers) and cross (between staff), as  well as between individuals and groups of people.

There are various channels wich can be used. These can be divided into five areas:

1  print : paper-based communication, e,g magazines, newspaper,newsletters. Letters, notes and messages.

2  Face to face : direct contact with other people,e,. one-to one meetings, team meetings, forums, conferences,, briefings.

3  Work place  :physical objects in the working  environment or workspace, e, g.  nitice  boards, signs

4  Electronic : communication using computers , phones, televisions,etc, e, g. DVD, e-mail,voicemail,SMS messages ,. Electronic newsletters, conference calls.

Company intranet: using social media to create an internal community,e,g. posting profiles,writing blogs and wikis,starting discussion forums,etc, Many leaders write internal blogs. Employees may join chat rooms, forums or message boards to post ideas and comments or upload images and discuss with other employees around the world.

They may also be  able to download information from the intranet. Improvements in communication lead to better informed, happier and more motivated employees, who will become more loyal to their company.

C. Match each of the words in red in exercise B to one of these definitions. 

1       move information from a network to a PC ……download

2       web page written by an individual    …………. post          

3       put information from a PC  onto a network ( 2 words) …. Upload

4       methods communication ……………………….blogs and wikis

5       knowledge sharing site ………………………… channels

6       chances for the people to discuss subjects……… forum

7       meetings where information or instructions are given   …. briefing


Now open your Market Leader book on page 105 and develop exercises A to C 

on company cultures. 

A. Different companies have different cultures and ways of working. Complete these sentences with the items in brackets. One of the items in each section cannot be used. 
Dress (uniformas / casual Fridays / weekwnd clothes)

1 we don´t have wear business suits at the end of the week. My company has a system of  casual Fridays.

2. In many bnks, staff can´t wear what they like. They have to wear uniforms.
Timekeeping (flextime / part-time / shift work)
3. For two weeks each month, work at ninght. I can´t sleep during the day. I hate shift work
4. We have a flexitime system in our office. Some people choose to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; 
others work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
Time off (childcare / annual leave / public holiday)
5. I am so busy at the moment that I worked on New Year´s Day, which is a Public Holiday
6. How many day´s annual leave do you get in your company? 
Reporting Procedures (written report / face to face / e-mail) 
7. We often speak on the phone, but never face to face
8. He uploacs a written report on the company intranet each month 
Types of meeting (informal / formal / social)
9. Out deparment starts every day with a informal meeting. It is very relaxed. 
10. Companies have an annual General meeting (AGM) once a year. It is a very social meeting, with a lot of people 
Names ( job title / first name / family names)
11. In some countries, the company culture is formal, staff use first name when they speak to 
each other. 
12. What´s your job tittle now? Are you Chief Executive?


B. Would you like to work for an organization which has: 

 I would like work a with casual Friday and flexible hour.


C. Match each phrase (1-5) to its explanation (a-e) 


On page 113 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on skills and abilities. 

A. Complete the first part of the advertisement below with the verbs from the box. Use the words in brackets to help you 
cope with     develop     improve     increase     lead     train



Are you the person we are looking for?


We are looking for a talented person for this position. In this exciting job, you will need to:

  • ·                    Lead a team of 25 people.(be in charge of)
  • ·                    Set up a new branch in Amsterdan. (star)
  • ·                    Train new staff. (teach)
  • ·                    Increase sales in all markets.(make more)
  • ·                    Develop new products.(create)
  • ·                    Improve communication between our head office and local branches.(make better)
  • ·                    Cope with strict deadlines and work well under pressure.(manage)
B. Complete the second part of the advertisement with the verbs from the box. 
deal with     manage     motivate     organise     plan


In your presente job, you:

  • ·                    Manage a large department in the clothing industry . (control)
  • ·                    plan budgets.(think about the future)
  • ·                    organise sales conferences and trade exhibitions. (arrange)
  • ·                    deal with customers,suppliers and their problems. (take action)
  • ·                    motivate employees and sales teams to get the best results. (encourage)
C. Describe your role in your present or a past job. Use verbs from Exercises A and B. 
In my present job, I lead a team of three.  I want to set up a new work area because we need to increase the usefulness and develop current needs. The plan is to buy a new equipament that is not in Colombia to motivate people to use our services.

Go over learning object 1 and test what you have learnt on vocabulary.