1.2 Grammar

 Open your Market Leader book on page 68: Develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 1.

 A.   Put these words in the right order to make sentences about problems at work.

 1-   The deadlines / the projects / weren’t / for /  realistic

The deadlines for the projects weren’t realistic.

2-   Most  people / the office / didn’t / leaven / until 8.00 pm

Most people didn’t leave the office until 8.00 pm

3-   a /manager / good / wasn’t/ she

She wasn’t a good manager

4-   On time / start / meetings  / didn’t

Meetings didn’t start on time

5-   Didn’t / she / to motivate / know/ the staff/ how

She didn’t know how to motivate the staff


C.   Correct one mistake in each line of this message

  • Maris, I am sorry. I am having a bad day. I didn’t sent the report           1. Send
  • Out, and I not check the figures. I didn’t get to the bank.                      2. didn’t
  • On time, and I didn’t phoned the suppliers. I tried to call you.              3. Phone       
  • This morning, but you not answer. I think I need to go home.               4. You didn’t

D.   Complete these questions with did, was or were.

  1. Was he and efficient manger?
  2. When were you born?
  3. When did Ana start to work for IBM?
  4. Why was Marcus change jobs?
  5. Where did your next job?

E.   Read the extract below. Then write questions using each of the words from the box.

Where did Danielle grow up?

Why     how long     what     when     where

Danielle grew up in Geneva. She studied engineering at university in Paris. Then she worked for Renault for four years, from 2004 until 2008. She left Renault because she wanted to do an MBA. She did an MBA at the Harvard Business School in 2009. Her next job was with GE.

  • When did she start her studies?
  • How long was she working for Renault?
  • Why did she leave Renault?

Open your Market Leader book on page 70: Develop exercises A to G of Language Focus

A.    Discuss these questions in pairs.

  • What was Steve jobs s greatest success?

When he left Apple and set up a new computer company.

  • What made him successful?

A way to innovate without surrender

B.   Read this article (ignoring the missing information) then write the question to complete the quiz on page 71 use the article to help you.

1-   Where was Steven Jobs born?

In California.

2-   Who did Jobs start Apple with?

his friends Steve Woznjak

3-   Why did Jobs leave Apple?

in 1984

4-   Why did he leave the company?

disagreements with CEO, john Sculley

5-   What did Pixar specialize in t?

computer animation

6-   Who did Jobs marry?


7-   How much did apple pay for Next?

 $ 400 m

8-   When did Steven Jobs resign as Apple’s CEO

August 2011

9-   How old was Steven Jobs when he died?


10-  Who is Apple’s new CEO?

Tim cook

11-  How many people does Apple employ worldwide?   



D.   Answer the questions in the quiz above and use your answer the questions to complete the article on page 70.

Barack Obama describe Steven Jobs as “one of the greatest American innovators”. This is his story. He was born February 24, 1995 in California. In 1976, after dropping out of college, Jobs started Apple with his friend Steve Woznjak. The company quickly became successful. In 1984, Apple introduced the famous Macintosh computer. The following year, in 1985, Jobs left Apple because of disagreements with the CEO, John Sculley. After leaving Apple, Jobs set up a new computer company called NEXT. He also bought a company called Pixar. It specialised in computer animation. Jobs married his wife, Laurene, at a Zen Buddhist ceremony in 1991. The couple had three children. The early nineties were difficult years for Apple, and the company soon wanted jobs back. In December 1996, apple bought Jobs´s Company NETX. Apple paid $400m for it. Jobs returned to apple and in 1997 became the CEO. Under his leadership, jobs turned the company around, with innovative products such as the iMac, IPod, Iphone an Ipad. In august 2011, after a long period of illness, Steve Jobs resigned as apple´s CEO. He died two months later at the age of 56. Time cook is Apple´s new CEO. Is his time at apple, Steve Jobs created most valuable technology company in the world. Today, it employs more than 46.500 people worldwide.  


F.    Work in pairs. Take it in turns to choose five questions from the quiz and test your partner. Help with answers if necessary.

  1. Where was Steven Jobs born?
  2. Who did Jobs start Apple with?
  3. When did apple introduce the famous Macintosh computer?
  4. Who did Jobs marry?
  5. How old was Steven Jobs when he died?

G.   Complete these sentences. Give true information about yourself

  1. Last year, I bought  a  new camera
  2. Yesterday, I was eating in front of my office
  3. Last summer, I was visiting Medellin
  4. When I was a child , I was happy, I did have a good childhood

Now go over exercises A to F on pages 77 and 78 of your Market Leader book about comparatives and superlatives.

A.   Write the comparative forms of these adjectives. Then listen to check how they are pronounced.

1.    Smaller
2.    Faster
3.    Slower
4.    Higher
5.    Worse
6.    Better
7.    Competitive than
8.    Efficient than
9.    Interesting than


B.   Look at this chart. Decide whether the sentences below are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.





Engine size

2.0 L

1.8 L

1.6 L

Maximum speed

195 kph

195 kph

203 Kph

Petrol consumption

4.6 L/ 100 Km

7.3 L/ 100 Km

5.4 L/ 100 Km

Luggage compartment

566 L

150 L

160 L


4,769 mm

4,020 mm

3,699 mm


€ 19,665

€ 19,174

€ 13,410


1-   The Mazda is a faster car than the Mini.

(F) The Mini is a faster car than the Mazda.

2-   The Mazda had a smaller luggage compartment than the Mini.


3-   The Mini has better petrol consumption than the Passat.

( F) The Passat has better petrol consumption than the Mini.

4-   The Mazda is more expensive than the Passat. 

(F) The Passat is more expensive than the Mazda.

5-   The Passat is more practical for a family than the Mini.


C.   Complete these sentences about the cars in Exercise B. Used the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

  1. I think the Mazda is a more stylish car than the Mini.
  2. The Passat has a more powerful engine than the Mazda.
  3. Compared to the Passat, the Mini is easier to park in small spaces.
  4. The Passat is cheaper to run than the Mazda.
  5. The Passat is a more spacious car than the Mini.

D.   Complete these conversations. Used the superlative form of the adjectives.

1-   Advertising on primetime TV is expensive.

Yes, it’s the most expensive time of the day to show an advert.

2-   Nike’s ‘Write the future’ commercial was very good.

Yes, I think it was the best commercial in 2010.

3-   2009 was a bad year for the advertising industry.

Yes, It was the worst year I can remember.

4-   China has a very high number of internet users.

Yes, it has the highest number of users in the world.


E.   Which is the car for each of these people? Choose a car from Exercise B.

Stefan                      VW Passat

Sophie                     Mazda MX-5

Petra                       Mini Hatchback


F.    Work in pairs. Explain your choice to your partner.

I think the Mini is the best car for me, It’s cheaper to run than the others.

It’s also the smallest car, so it’s easy to park in town.


Develop exercises A to D on page 79 of your Market Leader book about much/a lot, a little/a bit.

B.   Complete these sentences about the chart.

  1. In 2010, Toptek spent most of its advertising budget on TV.
  2. The amount it spent on TV advertising was most lower in 2011.
  3. In 2010, the spend on outdoor advertising was a lot higher than in 2011.
  4. Toptek spent most of the budget on internet advertising in 2011.

C.   Compare Toptek’s advertising spend in 2010 and 2011. Talk about these points.

  1. In 2010, Toptek spent about 15 per cent of its budget on internet advertising. The amount it spent in 2011 was much higher.
  2. In 2011, Toptek spent about 60 percent of its budget on internet advertising, The amount it spent in 2010 was much less.
  3. In 2010. Toptek spent about 35 percent of its budget on print advertising. The amount it spent in 2011 was much litle.

  4. In 2010 and 2011. Toptek about 5 percent of its budget on radio advertisin.

D.   Compare these two pool tables using much, a lot a little and a bit.


Trainer pool table

Classic pool table


93 cm

95 cm


176 cm

180 cm


78 cm

80 cm


25 kg

50 Kg


£ 144

£ 280

  • The classic pool table is a bit larger than the trainer pool table.
  • The trainer pool table is a little shorter than the classic pool table.
  • The classic pool table is much heavier than the trainer pool table.
  • The trainer pool table is much cheaper than the classic pool table.

Complete exercises A and B on pages 84 and 85 and A to C on pages 86 and 87 of your Market Leader book.

A.   Complete these sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

1. Matti isn´t in the office today. He’s meeting customer all day

2. Marta’s on the phone. She’s calling about the sales figure.

3. I can’t come to the meeting. I’m writing a report. I must finish in this morning

4. We’re building a new factory in Spain. The work is nearly finished.

5. The marketing tem is very busy right now. They’re working on the lunch of a new product.

6. Our business in Japan is not going well at the moment

7. We have a lot of orders, so production is hiring 40 extra staff.


 B.   Work in pairs. Ask and answer these two questions. Use your own ideas and words from the box in your answer.

Build     change     develop     improve     introduce     prepare     open     organise     write

A: What are you working on at the moment?

B: I’m preparing the presentation for the next week

A: What is happening at your company/university?

B: They’re introducing a new intranet.


Pag 86

 A.   Which tense are these time expressions normally used with? Put them in the correct column of the chart below.

 Always      at the moment          currently        every day        normally        now       This time          today          usually

 Present simple:

Always     currently        every day      normally        usually

 Present continuous:

At the moment     now       this time         today.


B.   Choose either the present simple or the present continuous form of the verb to complete these sentences.

  1. stay / am staying at the Ritz every time I’m in New York. I stay / am staying at the Ritz at the moment.
  2.  Jan works / is working from home today. She usually works / is working at the company’s training centre.
  3. She often calls / is calling Russia. Right now, she calls / is calling a customer in Moscow.
  4.  I don’t usually deal / dealing with the paperwork. I deal / am dealing with all the paperwork while Susan is away.
  5. Deliverers take / are taking over two months at present. Usually they take / are taking just six weeks.
  6. Most of the time we use / are using DHL for deliveries. This time, we use / are using a different company.


C.   Complete this article with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets


Pret A manager is (be) a UK Company and one of the world´s leading sandwich chains. It sells freshly made sandwiches in busy city centres. At the end of each day, the shops are giving (give) any unsold products to the homeless. Currently, Pret is doing very well in the south of England.

Pret operates a total of 232 UK outlets, and this year it is planning (plan) new outlets for London. In the US, it has (have) 23 outlets in New York and another 10 in Hong Kong.

Pret´s international activities is growing ( grow) in importance. This month, as part of the next stage of expansion, pret is openning (open) its first two shops in Paris. At the same time, the marketing team is working (work) with Lewis PR, a global PR company, to improve the brand´s international image.