1.1 Vocation

Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on describing people.

 A.   Match the statements (1-10) to the adjectives (a-j)

   They…                                                                                  They are

B. Use adjectives from exercise A to complete this human – resources report.


Maria is good in a team and she gets on well with her colleagues she is extremely sociable.                                   

She is never late for meetings – she is always punctual. She is very reliable she always meets deadlines. She is in the office at 8.00 A.M every day and usually stays late, so she is very hard working. Her boss says this is very motivating to others. Her colleagues have a lot of respect for her work and attitude.

She is also a very creative person with a lot of good ideas for the future of the company.


C. Look again at the adjectives in exercise A. which do you think are the three most important for a) a boss b) a colleague in a team? Discuss your answers with a partner.

        I think a hard-working boss is important.
        I think a punctual boss is very important.
        I think a motivating boss is necessary.
        I think a helpful boss is important.
  Colleague in a team
        I like to work with ambitious people. They give me energy.
        I like to work with creative people.
        I don't like to work  relaxed people.

        I think a motivating  other people to work.


Now open your Market Leader book on page 75 and develop exercises A to E on advertising and markets.

B. Listen to part of a sales presentation and underline the correct number in each sentence.

  1. Last year, the company had a market share of 10.3/103 per cent. 
  2. Las year for the launch of sparkle lite, the advertising budget increased by 30/13 per cent.
  3. Las year, the company sold more than 850.000 / 815,000 units of sparkle.
  4. The new advertising campaign cost € 900,000 / € 900.000.
  5. The company wants to increase its market share to 11.5 / 11.9 per cent.
  6. Next year, the company wants to sell 210.000 / 2.100.000 units of Sparkle.


 C.    Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-5) with their endings (a-e)          

  1. Coca cola is a mass- market product; it sells to large numbers of people.
  2. Selling special – interest holidays. Is a small but often profitable market.                 
  3. Rolex watches sell in a luxury. high-quality and expensive good.                          
  4. An export market. is outside the producers country.                                               
  5. A home market.  is in the producers country.                                           


 D. In pairs, think of products which match the types of market in exercise c.

Nike shoes sell to a mass market.

Ferrari sport cars are a luxury- market product.

Bottled water sell to a mass market

Juan Valdez is brand with an export market

Colombia Coffee to export market


E.  Which medium is the best way to advertise these products (or the ones you discussed in exercise D)? Choose from the list below discuss your ideas with a partner.

a Smartphone     a perfume     a health magazine     a sports car     a new chocolate bar. 

  • Newspapers / magazines (the press) (a smartphone, a perfume, a sport car)
  • Online / internet ads (a smartphone, a sport car)
  • Billboards / hoardings (a new chocolate bar, a sport car)
  • Tv / radio commercials (a health magazine)
  • Mobile ads (a health magazine, a smartphone)
  • Leaflets / flyers (a sport car)
  • Free samples (a new chocolate bar, a perfume)

On page 83 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on describing companies.

A.   The sentences below describe two companies. Dalotek and green shoots. Choose pairs of sentences which describe similar things and write them in the correct Column of this chart.



                           A large car-parts company.                                  

Green shoots


      A small garden- products company 

  • ·         John smith started Dalotek in 1960.
  • ·         It has a workforce of 2.500
  • ·         Dalotek exports to over 12 countries.
  • ·         It manufactures car parts.
  • ·         It launches 12 new products a year.
  • ·         Dalotek provides components for the cars industry.


  • ·         George and James Hawkins began Green shoots in the 1920´s.
  • ·         It employs about 35 people.
  • ·         It makes garden products.
  • ·         Green shoot sells some of its products abroad.
  • ·         Green shoots supplies the gardening industry
  • ·         It introduces one or two new components each year.

B. Underline  the verbs or verb  phrases  which mean the  some thing in  each  pair of sentences  in the  chart  in exercise . A

John smith started Dalotek in 1960

George and James Hawkins began green shoots in the 1920´s

It has a workforce of 2.500

It employs about 35 people.

Dalotek exports to over 12 countries

Green shoot sells some of its products abroad

It manufactures car parts

It makes garden products

It introduces one or two new components each years

It launches 12new products a year

Green shoots supplies the gardening industry

Dalotek provides components for the car industry


C .Use the verbs you underlined in exercise B to complete this company profile


GNK services began in 1989 when Dieter Norland left his job as an engineer in the computer industry. The company manufactures high-tech security alarms and exports its products all over the world. It employs 150 people at its factory near Rotterdam, although the company’s head office is in Amsterdam and has a staff of 20.the company launches a number of new products each year GNK the services supplies products to the security the industry and sells domestic alarms for the general public.