Andrés Builes Álvarez










Learning Guideline 3. People, strategy and companies




Álvaro Hernán Amaya Goyeneche



Andrés Builes Álvarez



Universidad EAN

Facultad de Estudios en Ambientes Virtuales

Administración de empresas







Learning Guideline 3. People, strategy and companies






1.1 Vocabulary. 4

1.2 Grammar. 4

2.1 Reading.. 4

2.1.1 Develop exercises A to E on page 69 of your Market Leader book. 4

2.1.2 Read article Volkswagen’s Black Beetle ad on page 76 of yourMarket Leader book and develop exercises A to D. 6

2.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 85, read article New markets for Gamesa, and develop exercises A, B, C, D and F  6

2.2 Listening.. 7

2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on listening. 7

2.2.2 Go to page 78 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to F on listening (all exercises must be developed individually). 8

Adverts shouldn´t use claims or promises. 9

2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 84 of your Market Leader book. 9

2.2.4 Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered: 10

3.1 Speaking and writing.. 11

3.1.1 Develop exercise E on page 76 of your Market Leader book. Write your conclusions. 11

3.1.2 Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with punctuation marks (part 2). Do not forget to develop the exercises at the end of the explanation. 11

4.1 Final project (Stage 2) 13

4.1.1 Work in the same groups of 3 or 4 people (of study guides 1 and 2). 13

4.1.2 As in Stage 1 you chose one Colombian company or an international company and you have been working on their background, now you have to select one company from their direct competition. 13

4.1.3 Finally create a diagram comparing both companies (the one chose in Stage 1 of this project, and the one you chose as its competitor). Use any collaborative and interactive tool to present this information -time lines, prezi, graphs, inphographics, etc. Remember that you have to use comparatives and superlatives, simple present, simple past, and present continuous for this activity. 13

4.1.4 Put this information in your blog and paste the link of your blog on the Word file. 13





Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar.1.1 Vocabulary.

Is in my personal blog.

1.2 Grammar                                                                                                            

Is in my personal blog.


Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1 Reading

2.1.1 Develop exercises A to E on page 69 of your Market Leader book.

A- Before you read the article below, discuss these questions.

  1. What famous businesswoman do you know?

María Asunción Arambuzabala

  1. What qualities do you need to be successful business executive?



Emotional Intelligence

Executive intelligence

Human skills

Negotiation skills


Inspiring and motivating

Know how to delegate

It is visionary, innovative and passionate

B- As you read the article, make quick notes to complete the profile of Andrea Jung.

·         Born in: Toronto to Chinese immigrant parents.

·         Grew up in: Massachusetts

·         Education:  Graduated from Princeton

·         Appearance:  Famous for her long black hair, pearl necklaces

·         Company:  Avon

·         Professional achievements:  She is one of the world´s top business leaders, became Avon´s first female CEO, since joining the company had revenues of  $4bn. Today, its revenues are more than $10bn.

C- Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

  • Avon sells cosmetics through shops.

(F) Avon sells cosmetics door to door.

  • Andrea Jung speaks English and Chinese.


  • Around 50 per cent of managers at Avon are woman.


  • Avon has an all-female board.

(F) Four out of the nine members of Avon´s board are women

  • Jung thanks all-woman management teams make the best decisions.

(F) She says “in mixed teams, communication and decision-making are better”.

  • She is on the boards of two other companies.



D- Find words or phrases In the article with these meanings.

  • People who sell a company´s products (paragraph 1)

It has 6.2m sales representatives.

  • When you decide to do something and do not let anything stop you (paragraph 3)


  • Leave a job without finishing it (paragraph 3)

You learn more from bad than good experiences - that´s how you grow

  • All the money that a company receives regularly (paragraph 4)

Today, its revenues are more than $10bn.

  • A very strong liking for something (paragraph 6)

By pearl necklaces and her passion for Avon.


E- Work in pairs. Imagine you are going to interview Andrea Jung. Write five questions that you would like to ask her.

  • Has a husband and children?
  • Has holiday?
  • Can achieve business success after the failure?
  • As you see Latin American entrepreneurs?
  • Knows something about Colombia?


2.1.2 Read article Volkswagen’s Black Beetle ad on page 76 of yourMarket Leader book and develop exercises A to D.

A- Before you read the article below, discuss these questions.

  • Which four adjectives best describe a VW Beetle?










  • In your country, how popular is the Beetle? Who typically buys it?

Several beetles are still on the streets and what they buy are usually lovers to Volkswagen's

B- As you read the article, think about these questions.

  • How is the photo in the article related to the 2012 Beetle?

The photo and related article on strength and how big it has become the beetle

  • What kind of person did VW want to see the advert?

For modern and stylish people.


C- Choose the best option to complete these sentences.

  1. An American / A German agency created to the commercial.
  2. The 2012 Beetle has more masculine / feminine design than the older New Beetle.
  3. The target customer for the 2012 Beetle is male / male and female drivers.
  4. The ad shows / doesn´t show the new car in detail.
  5. VW first showed the commercial on US / German TV.
  6. VW first showed the car to the public at an event in Shanghai / New York.

D- In each box, match the words from the article to make word partnerships.

1    advertising

a)      break


b)      event

3    launch

c)       agency

4    crate

d)      male drivers / customers

5    launch

e)      the 2012 Beetle

6    attract

f)        a commercial


2.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 85, read article New markets for Gamesa, and develop exercises A, B, C, D and F

A- Discuss these questions.

  • How popular is wind energy in your country?

In my country is not popular

  • Which of these points are advantages and disadvantages for wind energy?

Add other points you can think of.


·         safe

·         clean from of energy

·         wind is not constant

·         noisy

·         ugly

·         A lot of area

·         Expensive installation

B- Before you read the article, match the words and phrases (1-6) to their meanings (a-f).


To install


To start something new


Manufacturing plant


A company that is owned by another larger company




To put equipment in position, so it is ready to use


To set up


A company that you buy from




A factory that makes machines and equipment




A part of  machine


C- Read this article about a company in the wind-energy business. Is it doing better in its home market or in international markets?

In international markets.


D- Complete this fact file






manufactures and installs wind turbines (wind technology)

Growth markets

India and Latin America, especially Brazil.

Numbers of:

·         employed

Nearly 8000 people worldwide

·         countries whit sales offices


·         manufacturing plants


Results (first half 2011)

·         Revenues:

1.297 euros

·         Sales:


2.2 Listening

2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on listening.

A- Ros Pomeroy, a management consultant, talks about the people she likes to work with. Listen to the first part of the interview. Which adjectives from Vocabulary Exercise A does she mention?





B- Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions.

  • Why did team members hide information from one bad manager?

Because, who often criticized members of her team in front of others.

  • Why were the team members not prepared to take any risks?

Because they knew that if something went wrong, then she would not support them.


C- Listen and complete the final part of the interview.

Well, luckily, I have met and worked with several good managers, and these are people who are willing to delegate; that is, they will give a task to a team member to get on and complete. They are less involved in how a task is done, but they are clear about setting the objective and being clear about what results they expect.

And a good manager will also give praise and feedback to a team member when they do a good job.

2.2.2 Go to page 78 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to F on listening (all exercises must be developed individually).

A- In pairs, discuss these questions.

  • What´s your favourite advert on TV at the moment? Why do you like it?

The correspondent of Davivienda. I like it because everything goes wrong, for always being in the wrong place, as is the slogan of Davivienda.

  • Can you give an example of a bad advert?

When a presidential campaign speaks ill of another, for example the advert of Francisco Santos against Juan Manuel.

  • Do you think there is too much advertising?

Yes, but necessary.


B- Listen to the first part of an interview with Liz Creadé, an organization development. Which of the questions in Exercise A does she answer?


C- Listen again and answer these questions.

  • What is product in the advert she does not like?

A snack product of potato crisps

  • What is the advert about?

A man who chooses

  • Why does she not like the advert? (Give two reasons).

Because it compares the love between a potato crisps and your partner.

It also goes on for a long time.


D- In the second part of the interview, Liz talks about what makes an advert really effective. Listen and complete this extract.

I think what makes it efective is for it to be very memorable, that you remember a key message or the main product in it. One that I particularly like at the moment is the Honda cars advert, which uses pictures of flowers in the countryside to give a very modern message about the engine and the cars.

E- In pairs, think of four ways to complete this sentence.

Adverts should not…tell a lie

Adverts should not… be weapons of war

Adverts should not…negative

Adverts should not… be an unfair competition


F- Listen to the final part of the interview and complete the sentence in Exercise E for Liz. What example does she give?

Adverts shouldn´t use claims or promises


2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 84 of your Market Leader book.

A- Jeremy Keeley, a specialist in change leadership, is talking about his favorite company. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete these notes.


·         Decent people who really look after the people their workers.

·         Care about their customers.

·         Want to meet customers´ needs.

·         Care about the environment.


·         Believe they´re helping people when they most need it.


B- Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions.

  • What type company would Jeremy like to work for?

The company want to work for has a big purpose.

  • What sort of things would that company produce or do?

A company perhaps that will produce green energy or affordable housing for the poorest people in the world or ways of feeding people who can´t currently be fed.

  • What to the best companies have in common?

have in common is strong leadership.

  • Which of the following does Jeremy mention?

a)      Wanting workers to work at their best

b)      Understanding customers´ needs

c)      Looking after the environment

d)      Promoting equality

e)      Being ethical and legal

C- Listen to the final parts. What are these companies famous for?


Rolls Royce












Body Shop



2.2.4 Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered:

·         What is the main difference between bakeries and pastry shops?

The environment in which they work.

·         What is the main task of local bakers?

Interact with coworkers and customers.

·         Which professional spends more time with machines?

The products manufacturing bakers spend more time with machines.

·         Which are the three aspects allowing to state that everything is in order when baking?

Colors, shapes and icing.

·         How is most workers’ work time and work place described?

Involved most workers spent a lot of time earhart ovens and must work evenings or weekends.

·         Which are the three abilities mentioned to prepare the bakery products?

Requires the ability to measure and the knowledge to correctly operate scales.

·         Which aspects do bakers have to take into consideration to move up in the business?

As you move up in the business you might need to learn more about how baked goods are made and distributed.

·         How many years of vocational training do manufacturing bakers need?

            The most manufacturing bakers need one to two years a vocational training.

            ·         How is job growth expected to be in the future?

            Job growth is expected to be slower than average

·         Which kind of manufacturing bakers have opportunities in the future market?

Who come up with a great product and cook up real success story.


Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing

3.1 Speaking and writing

3.1.1 Develop exercise E on page 76 of your Market Leader book. Write your conclusions.

E- Work in pairs. Each choose a TV advertisement you like.

- Complete these sentences about the advertisement.

It´s an advertisement for adventurous it shows a reality survival.

The music for the ad is originated in the country where they participate I like the advertisement because I want to participate.

- Tell another student about your advertisement.

look at the ads in the channel Caracol and see each chapter from 26th May at 8pm “El Desafio Marruecos”


3.1.2 Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with punctuation marks (part 2). Do not forget to develop the exercises at the end of the explanation.

Punctuation Practice Exercises

Practice 1: Using End Marks Correctly

Choose the proper end mark to use in each of the following sentences.

1.            We are planning to go really crazy at our slumber party tonight!

2.            Do you think everyone in Topeka, Kansas, will be at the game tonight?

3.            The coach asked the team if they were ready to meet the enemy.

4.            Me? It's not my fault if the secret gets out!

5.            Do not blame me if you get there at the wrong time.

Practice 2: Using Other Punctuation Marks Correctly

Rewrite these sentences to correct their punctuation errors, and describe briefly the error you've corrected.

1.                           The coach's retirement party—which isn't scheduled yet, will be sometime next week.

The coach's retirement party—which isn't scheduled yet—will be sometime next week.

2.                           We aren´t going to give him any gifts, he said he didn't want any.

We aren't going to give him any gifts; he said he didn't want any.

3.                           Who's parents will be the chaperones at our after game party.

Whose parents will be the chaperones at our after-game party?

4.                           The refreshment list includes these fruits and vegetables, apples, oranges, pineapple, carrots and celery sticks.

The refreshment list includes these fruits and vegetables: apples,oranges, pineapple, carrots, and celery sticks.

5.                           The crowds screams filled the auditorium and practically raised it's roof.

The crowd's screams filled the auditorium and practically raised its roof.

6.                           School ends this year on the twenty third of May, we'll have plenty of time to relax this summer.

School ends this year on the twenty-third of May; we'll have plenty of time to relax this summer.

7.                           Do you know whether the game starts at 8 or at 8.30?

Do you know whether the game starts at 8 or at 8:30?

8.                           I said to my parents This is the most important game of the season and I have to go to it.

I said to my parents, "This is the most important game of the season and I have to go to it."

9.                           The teams best efforts will be in evidence during this last game.

The team's best efforts will be in evidence during this last game.

10.                         Because school spirit is really important to the outcome of the game we hope the team feels the spirit coming from the stand's

Because school spirit is really important to the outcome of the game, we hope the team feels the spirit coming from the stands.


Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 2)

4.1 Final project (Stage 2)

4.1.1 Work in the same groups of 3 or 4 people (of study guides 1 and 2).

• Members of the group.

Gloria Giselly Jiménez Duarte.

Cesar Augusto Valencia Mosquera.

Andrés Builes Álvarez.


4.1.2 As in Stage 1 you chose one Colombian company or an international company and you have been working on their background, now you have to select one company from their direct competition.



4.1.3 Finally create a diagram comparing both companies (the one chose in Stage 1 of this project, and the one you chose as its competitor). Use any collaborative and interactive tool to present this information -time lines, prezi, graphs, inphographics, etc. Remember that you have to use comparatives and superlatives, simple present, simple past, and present continuous for this activity.

To find the difference of each company must click the photo or click the arrows below to flip.



4.1.4 Put this information in your blog and paste the link of your blog on the Word file. 





  •  David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Nina O´Driscoll. (2012). Elementary Market Leader. Pearson.