1.2 Grammar


Open your Market Leader book on pages 38 and 39: Develop exercises A to F of Language Focus 1.

 A. Ask people in your class about the languages they can speak.

A: Can you speak Japanese?

B: No, I can’t

A: Can you speak Spanish?

B: No, I can’t

A: Can you speak German?

B: No, I can’t.

 Work in pairs. Try to remember the languages people can and can’t speak.

 John can speak English and German, but he can´t speak Chinese.

Ivan can speak Spanish, but he can’t speak English

Jhon can’t speak Japanese, but  he can speak Spanish.


B.  Put this dialogue into the correct order.

Paul: Paul Robinson speaking

Judith:  Oh, hello Paul. This is Judith Preiss here.

Paul: Hi, Judith. 

Judith: Paul, I´m calling about that meeting. Can you make next Wednesday?

Paul:  I´m sorry, Judith, I can´t. But I can make Thursday or Friday.

Judith: Well, I can´t do Thursday, but Friday is OK.         

Paul: Ok. Friday it is. Can we meet in the morning- say 10 o´clock?

Judith: Ten o’clock’s fine. Oh, and can I bring my colleague, Sabrina? You met her at the conference.

Paul: Of course. I can pick you up from the station if you like           

Judith: Great. See you on Friday. Bye.


D.  Look at the dialogue in Exercise B. Write questions beginning with can.

Can Judith and Paul meet on Friday?

Can Paul make next Monday?

Can Judith pick he up from airport?

Work in pairs. Ask each other your questions. How much can you remember?

A:  Can Paul meet Judith on Wednesday?

B: No, he can´t.

A: Can Paul make next Monday?

B: No, he can’t.

A: Can Judith pick he up from airport?

B: No, she can’t.


F.   Complete the e-mails that Judith writes to Sabrina about the arrangements.

To:      Sabrina Monti

From:             Judith Preiss

Subject: Meeting with Paul Robinson


I called Paul Robinson about the meeting He says he can’t make it on Wednesday, but he can do meet at 10 o’clock. He says of course you can come with me! And he can pick us up from the station.

Can you text me today and let me know if Friday is still OK for you?

I don´t think we need to meet before Friday. We can  go through my notes for the meeting on the train.

See you then,



Open your Market Leader book on page 41: Develop exercises A to C of Language Focus 2.

 A. Complete these sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.

1. It´s a very small airport. There aren´t any shops in the terminal.

2. There is a problem with my ticket?

3. There aren’t any aisle seats available.

4. There is a stopover in Frankfurt.

5. There aren’t any flights to Zurich tonight?

6. I´m afraid there isn’t a flight to Warsaw this afternoon.

7. There are two cafés in the terminal.

8. There aren’t any buses from the airport to the city Centre?


B. In pairs, ask and answer questions about the facilities ah the Hilton Tokyo.


A: Is there a health club?                              B: Yes, there is.

B: How many guest rooms are there?      A: There are 808.

A. Is there a pool?                                         B: Yes, there is.

B: Are there spacious rooms?                   A . Yes, there are.   


C. Work in pairs. Role-play this situation.

Student A:  See below.                       Student B: Turn to page 139

Student A

Part 1

You have a new job abroad. Student B lives there. Ask him / her about these points.

  • International school?

Is there an international school?

  • Good local transport?

Is there a good local transport?

  • Big supermarkets?

Are there any Big supermarkets?

  • Houses to rent with gardens? 

Are there any Houses to rent with gardens?


Part 2

Student B has a new job abroad. You live in that country. Use these notes to answer his / her / questions.

B: are there any good restaurants?

A: yes, there are lots of good local restaurants. 

B: Are there any good cinemas

A: No, there aren’t any cinemas.

B: Are there any good local restaurants?

A: Yes,there are a lot of good local restaurants.

B: is there a pool for swimming?

A: No, ……. But you can swim in one of the hotels.

B: Is there tennis club.

A. Yes,there is tennis club with five courts. 


Now go over exercises A and B on page 47 of your Market Leader book about some/any.


A. Tick (X) the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes in the other sentences.


1. I´d like any water.

I´d like some water.

2. Could I have any more coffee, please? (X)

3. Are there any restaurants near here?

Aren't there any restaurants near here?

4. There isn´t some wine left.

There isn’t any wine left

5. I´d like some cheese, please. (X)

6. Do you have any soft drinks? (X)


B. Choose the correct words to complete this dialogue.


Mina: there are some / any good restaurants in the Centre.

Ivan: yes, but there isn´t some / any parking. We could go to the Texas Steakhouse near airport.

Mina: Do they serve some / any vegetarian dishes?

Ivan: I don´t think so. How about the Marina? They do some / any great fish dishes, and they have some/ any vegetarian starters, too.

Mina: Good idea. I´ll see if they´ve go a table for nine o ´clock.


Develop exercises A to C on page 48 of your Market Leader book about countable and uncountable nouns.

A. Tick (X) the countable nouns.

1.         Reservation    X

2.         food

3.         air conditioning

4.         bathroom X   

5.         bill X

6.         employee X

7.         equipment

8.         hotel X

9.         information

10.      seat X

11.      luggage

12.      flight X

13.      menu  X

14.      money

15.      overtime

16.      receipt X

17.      dish X

18.      tip X

19.      transporting

20.      soup

21.      work

22.      shopping

23.      suitcase X

24.      leisure


B. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Use a lot of, many or much.


1. They don´t have much vegetarian dishes here. A lot of / many

2. How many does it cost? Much, A lot of

3. The restaurant hasn´t got much tables left. A lot of, many

4. I don´t have many time at the moment. A lot of, much

5. I drink much coffee. A lot of

6. There aren´t much hotels in the city Centre. A lot of, many

7. It costs much money. A lot of

8. I don´t want many spaghetti. There´s ice cream for dessert. A lot of, much


C. Work in pairs. Complete these questions with many or much. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.


1. A: How much cash do you make a day?

                B: About 20 euros.

2. A: How much phone calls do you make a day?

    B: About 5 per day.

3. A: How many people are there in your company?

    B: About 100.      

4. A: How much time do you have for lunch?

    B: About 1 hour

5. A. How many holiday do you get a year?

    B: About 5.

6. A: How many languages do you speak?

    B: About 1.

7. A: How much fast-food restaurants are there where you live?

    B: About 3.

8. A: How much water do you drink a day?

    B: About 2 bottles.


Complete exercises A to D on page 55 and A to B on page 57 of your Market Leader book

A. CD 1.74 Listen to how the – ed endings of these verbs are pronounced.

1.         Saved ; delivered  /d/

2.         Launched ; worked  /t/

3.         Decided; visited   /id/


B. CD 1.75 Listen and put these verbs into the correct group from exercise A ( 1,2 or 3).

Started (id)   finished (t) advised (d) lived (v)   wanted (id) opened (d)   missed (t)   booked (t)   invited (id)

CD 1.75 Listen again and practice saying the verbs.


C. Complete this sales report. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Report on sales trip- South Korea

Last December, I visited (visit) our major customers from big department stores in South Korea.

arrived in Seoul on Monday 5th December. The next day.

met Mrs Kyong Ai Lee in Seoul. On 7th December.

made a presentation to Mrs Lee´s sales staff on our products and advised them how to display them.

The following day, I went to Busan, and our agent                          

introduced me to Mrs Ha, the chief buyer of a new department store in the city. She asked me to send her 500 brochures. I                             

gave her some samples of our products.

flew back to head office in Paris on 9th December.


D. Work in pairs. Take turns to describe a trip you made for business or pleasure.

A: Last year I was in Paris.

B: When?

A: On 7th June. I was for two days. How about you?

B. In my case, I was in Medellin on 15th December. I was with my family and we saw the lights and some parades. Also, we visited “Pueblito Viejo”.

A: Really? How many days did you stay in Medellin?

B: 10 days.

A: Awesome!!