Andrés Builes Álvarez











Learning Guideline 2. Travelling, eating and doing business





Álvaro Hernán Amaya Goyeneche




Andrés Builes Álvarez




Universidad EAN

Facultad de Estudios en Ambientes Virtuales

Administración de empresas








Learning Guideline 2. Travelling, eating and doing business






1.1 Vocabulary. 5

1.2 Grammar. 5

2.1 Reading.. 5

2.1.3 Develop exercises A to F on pages 40 and 41 of your Market Leader book. 5

A- What kind of hotel do you like to stay in when you are on holiday or on business?. 5

B- Tick the facilities you expect to find in a business hotel. 5

C- Underline the words from Exercise B in the text below. 5

D- Take turns to ask and answer questions about the Hilton Tokyo. 5

E- Answer these questions. 6

F- Match the words on the left (1-6) to the word on the right (a-f) to make word partnerships from the text. 6

2.1.4 Read article India likes fast-food chains on page 46 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to D. 6

A- Discuss these questions in pairs. 6

B- Do international fast-food companies need to change their menus to be successful in India? Read this article to find out. 7

Because they are vegetarian, they make the menus more spicy and they offer more dishes vegetarian, all at a low price. The mainly Hindu population does not eat beef. 7

C- Match the words (1-5) to their meanings (a-e). 7

D- Read the article again and answer these questions. 7

2.1.5 Open your Market Leader book on page 54, read article Uniqlo: a global success story, and develop exercises A to F. 7

A- Before you read the article below, discuss these questions. 7

B- Match these words (1-6) to their meanings (a-f). 8

C- Read the article quickly and underline these numbers and dates. Then say what they refer to. 8

D- Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 8

E- Look through the article and find the missing verbs. 8

F- What makes a business successful? Put these points in order for you. 8

2.2 Listening.. 9

2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 38 and develop exercises A to C on listening. 9

A- Listen to the first part of an interview with Liz Credé and answer these questions. 9

B- Liz says she likes flying business class and she likes staying in the same hotel. In Paris, predict why she likes doing those two things. 9

C- Listen to the second part of the interview and check your answers to Exercise B. 9

2.2.2 Go to page 47 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A, B and D on listening. 9

A- Jeremy Keeley is a specialist in change leadership. Listen to the first part of an interview with him. He is talking about how he entertains business contacts and his favourite entertainment. Complete these notes. 9

B- Listen to the second part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 9

D- Listen to the third part of the interview. Compare your answer in Exercise C to what Jeremy says. 10

2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 56 of your Market Leader book. 10

A- In pairs, discuss these questions. 10

B- Listen to Ros Pomeroy, a management consultant, answering the questions in Exercise A and complete each gap with a word. 10

C- Listen to Ros talking about what being a successful buyer involves. 10

Number her points in the order in which she mentions them. 10

2.2.5 Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered: 10

·        According to John, what is e-commerce?. 10

·        How many categories of service need to be done in order to run an effective e-commerce channel?. 11

3.1 Speaking and writing.. 11

3.1.3 Develop exercise C on page 47 of your Market Leader book. Write your conclusions. 11

C- Work in pairs. How would you plan a meal for a mixed group of nationalities?. 11

3.1.4 Open your Market Leader book on page 59 and read case study 6. Record discussion of tasks 2, 3 and 4. Use or to record the discussion, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of team members. 11

3.1.5 Go over learning object 3 and get familiar with punctuation marks (part 1). Do not forget to develop the exercises at the end of the explanation. 11

3.1.6 Develop the writing activity on page 59: write a formal email (not exceeding one page long) to the manufacturer of one of the products and ask them to send you a catalogue, price list and sample of the product you are interested in (find also about their delivery date if you place and order). 13

4.1 Final project (Stage 2) 14

4.1.1 Work in the same groups of 3 or 4 people (of study guide 1). 14

4.1.2 Look for all the information of the most representative product of the company you chose in Stage 1 of this project and put such information in a prezi presentation (or in a similar tool -other than Power Point). 14

4.1.3 Design a marketing strategy to sell this product to your classmates (use any collaborative and interactive tool to present this information -time lines, prezi, graphs, inphographics, etc.). 15

4.1.4 Put this information in your blog and paste the link of your blog on the Word file. 15





Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar.

1.1 Vocabulary.

Is in my personal blog.

1.2 Grammar

Is in my personal blog.


Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1 Reading


2.1.3 Develop exercises A to F on pages 40 and 41 of your Market Leader book.

A- What kind of hotel do you like to stay in when you are on holiday or on business?

On vacation i like the familiar hotels, Oceanfront, with a large pool , with very good service and especially, make me the stay enjoyable and fun.

B- Tick the facilities you expect to find in a business hotel.

Beauty salon                ><

Gift shop            

Business Centre          ><

Health club

Childcare service

Tennis courts           

Concierge desk           ><

Restaurant                 ><

Coffee shop                ><

C- Underline the words from Exercise B in the text below.

Tennis courts
Health club

D- Take turns to ask and answer questions about the Hilton Tokyo.

  1. Check your e-mail in your room?

A: Can you check your e-mail in your room?     B: Yes, you can.

  1. Swim outside at the hotel?

B: Can you swim outside at the hotel?     A: No, you can´t.

  1. Play tennis at the hotel?

-Can you play tennis at the hotel?      Yes, you can

  1. Eat Chinese food in the Musashino?

-Can you eat Chinese food in the Musashino?  No, you can’t


  1. Host a dinner for 1,500 people?

-Can you host a dinner for 1,500 people?      No, you can’t

  1. Use the health club at night?
    -Can you Use the health club at night?       Yes, you can
  2. Get from Narita Airport direct to the hotel?
    -Can you get from Narita Airport direct to the hotel?   Yes, you can.

E- Answer these questions.

  1. How far is the hotel from the Shinjuku shopping area?

-10-minutes’ walk from the Hotel

  1. How long is the business Centre open?

-The business center is open a 24 hour

  1. How long does it take to travel from Narita Airport to the hotel?

-It takes about two hour.

F- Match the words on the left (1-6) to the word on the right (a-f) to make word partnerships from the text.


























2.1.4 Read article India likes fast-food chains on page 46 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to D.

A- Discuss these questions in pairs.

  1. How often do you eat in fast-food chains?

-At least once a week.

  1. How popular are they in your country? Who is a typical customer?

-Very popular, most people the weekends

  1. How do they change their menus for the local market? Give some examples.
    -Reduce their menu, example “Pizza Loca”  (on the Caribbean coast)

B- Do international fast-food companies need to change their menus to be successful in India? Read this article to find out.

Because they are vegetarian, they make the menus more spicy and they offer more dishes vegetarian, all at a low price. The mainly Hindu population does not eat beef.

C- Match the words (1-5) to their meanings (a-e).




With strong and hot flavour




The kind of things that someone likes




The money people earn for their jobs




The need people have for a service




Change something

D- Read the article again and answer these questions.

  1. What type of customer goes to the Phoenix Mills McDonald´s at lunchtime?

It is full of college students, office workers and mothers.

  1. How many times a week does Akshaya Batta go to McDonald´s?

At least once a week.

  1. How much does sahal Amlani typically spend in McDonald´s at weekends?

Two times a week.

  1. How do these fast-foot companies adapt their menus for Indian customers?

Complete these sentences:

  1. McDonald´s offers… more vegetarian dishes.
  2. In its chicken dishes, KFC uses… of Indian spices and cooking techniques.
  3. Pizza hut has… a mix of Indian and international dishes.
  1. Why is it necessary to make these changes?

To be successful.


2.1.5 Open your Market Leader book on page 54, read article Uniqlo: a global success story, and develop exercises A to F.

A- Before you read the article below, discuss these questions.

  1. What global fashion companies do you know?
    -Carolina Herrera – Calvin Klein – Armani
  2. Which are the most successful in your country?
    -Arturo Calle – Chevignon
  3. What do you know about Uniqlo, the global fashion retailer?

B- Match these words (1-6) to their meanings (a-f).




Employ someone to do a job




When something gets bigger in size




Clothes produced by a designer for the season


Flagship store


Introduce something new again




A detailed plan for achieving something




A company´s main store, often big and in an important shopping area

C- Read the article quickly and underline these numbers and dates. Then say what they refer to.

1- 1984  -  started with a single store in Hiroshima
2- 2003  -   Uniqlo closed most of them
3- 2005  -   Yani changed strategy
4- November 2006  -  Uniqlo began  with the opening of a flagship store in NewYork
5- April 2009  -  hired the German designer Jil Sander  
6- ~49.8bn     -  Uniqlo made profits
7- 64    -  The number of store increased

D- Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

  1. In the 1990´s Japan was Uniqlo´s main market.  (T)
  2. Uniqlo had a lot of success when it entered the UK market in 2001.    (F)  Most of the stores were too small and in  the suburbs of cities
  3. Yani´s new global strategy was to open big stores in important cities.   (T)
  4. At the end of 2008, Uniqlo had 92 international stores.  (T)
  5. Yani hired Jil Sander to design all Uniqlo´s clothes.   (F)    Her role was to design a collection for Uniqlo
  6. Uniqlo opened 64 stores in Asia between 2007 and 2010.  (T)

E- Look through the article and find the missing verbs.

  1. Uniqlo…   grew    quickly in Japan during the 1990´s.
  2. Over the next two years, the number of international stores…    went up     from 54 to 92.
  3. The number (of store)…   increased       to 64 at the end of 2010.

What do the verbs have in common?
these verbs are synonymous.

F- What makes a business successful? Put these points in order for you.

     Add other points to the list.

·         Ability to learn from mistakes              5

·         Money                      4

·         Hard work                     2

·         Personal contacts                 3

·         Luck                                 6

·         having clear strategy and plan     1


2.2 Listening


2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 38 and develop exercises A to C on listening.

A- Listen to the first part of an interview with Liz Credé and answer these questions.

  1. Why does she travel to a) Amsterdam?  Work with your clients
     B) Singapore and Chicago?  visit their colleagues
  2. How often does she travel to a) Amsterdam?: every month

 B) Singapore and Chicago? Twice a year

  1. What is Liz´s favourite business location, an why? In Singapore in the office, and the reason she Like it because he's based in the old town

nbSingapore she know it's in the business district

B- Liz says she likes flying business class and she likes staying in the same hotel. In Paris, predict why she likes doing those two things.

She likes to travel in business class because it has the money and staying at the same hotel because she does not like meeting new hotels.

C- Listen to the second part of the interview and check your answers to Exercise B.

She travels first class because she can rest better, before arriving at your destination and she is staying at the same hotel because they recognize, know your name and your tastes

2.2.2 Go to page 47 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A, B and D on listening.

A- Jeremy Keeley is a specialist in change leadership. Listen to the first part of an interview with him. He is talking about how he entertains business contacts and his favourite entertainment. Complete these notes.

·         I like to get to…         know            my contacts.

·         I give them a chance to…     tell       me about themselves.

·         I take them places that we can…      talk     

·         We walked across a…  park      together.

·         While we walked, we… talked

·         We spent the time talking about what was really…  important

B- Listen to the second part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

  1. In restaurants, you should consider noise levels.
  • True.
  1. Sometimes you need to take out clients you don´t like.
  • True.
  1. Do not take vegetarians to steak restaurants.

False, because take vegetarian.

  1. You should spend a lot of money entertaining clients.

False, don’t spend lot of money.

D- Listen to the third part of the interview. Compare your answer in Exercise C to what Jeremy says.

Jeremy get to know what they can food and what they can´t eat and what they like form them personality, while we assume prepare typical food.


2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 56 of your Market Leader book.

A- In pairs, discuss these questions.

  1. What advice would you give to new sales staff?
  • They are organized, strategists and planning
  1. What mistakes do salespeople often make?
  • They often have errors like:  unfulfilled and disorganized.

B- Listen to Ros Pomeroy, a management consultant, answering the questions in Exercise A and complete each gap with a word.

·         Be…patient

·         Take time to build… relationships

·         Make sure you fully… understand          the product or service you are selling.

·         Do not try to sell something to a customer that they do not actually…   need            or… want

·         Take…time            to understand what the customer… wants

·         Customers like to be… listened        to.

C- Listen to Ros talking about what being a successful buyer involves.

      Number her points in the order in which she mentions them.

  1. Asking for a written quotation


  1. Being prepared to walk away from the purchase if you are not happy


  1. Working out the maximum price you are prepared to pay


  1. Looking at ways of getting additional extras or discounts


  1. Contacting several different suppliers


  1. Doing a lot of preparation



2.2.5 Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered:

·        According to John, what is e-commerce?

Is the marketing of products and services virtually.

·        How many categories of service need to be done in order to run an effective e-commerce channel?

Six categories.

1-      Designate to space to handle product fulfillment.

2-      Strong customer support team.

3-      Specified platform to run your site.

4-      Create unique user interface.

5-      Utilize photographs to enhance your product.

6-      Marketing services-customer acquisition, analytics, email.


Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing

3.1 Speaking and writing


3.1.3 Develop exercise C on page 47 of your Market Leader book. Write your conclusions.

C- Work in pairs. How would you plan a meal for a mixed group of nationalities?

It is best to try to give them a meal of my country, because surely they will be waiting a very typical food, it's the perfect opportunity to enjoy our cuisine.

3.1.4 Open your Market Leader book on page 59 and read case study 6. Record discussion of tasks 2, 3 and 4. Use or to record the discussion, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of team members.



3.1.5 Go over learning object 3 and get familiar with punctuation marks (part 1). Do not forget to develop the exercises at the end of the explanation.

This exercise will test your understanding of all kinds of different punctuation marks, particularly commas, colons, semi-colons and apostrophes.

Select the correctly punctuated sentence.

1-  a)      Spain is a beautiful country; the beache's are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.

                b)           Spain is a beautiful country: the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.

                c)            Spain is a beautiful country, the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.

                d)           Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.

2-            a)            The children's books were all left in the following places: Mrs Smith's room, Mr Powell's office and     the caretaker's cupboard.

                b)           The children's books were all left in the following places; Mrs Smith's room, Mr Powell's office and the caretaker's cupboard.

                c)            The childrens books were all left in the following places: Mrs Smiths room, Mr Powells office and the caretakers cupboard.

                d)           The children's books were all left in the following places, Mrs Smith's room, Mr Powell's office and the caretaker's cupboard.


3-            a)            She always enjoyed sweets, chocolate, marshmallows and toffee apples.

                b)           She always enjoyed: sweets, chocolate, marshmallows and toffee apples.

                c)            She always enjoyed sweets chocolate marshmallows and toffee apples.

                d)           She always enjoyed sweet's, chocolate, marshmallow's and toffee apple's.


4-  a)      Sarah's uncle's car was found without its wheels in that old derelict warehouse.

                b)           Sarah's uncle's car was found without its wheels in that old, derelict warehouse.

                c)            Sarahs uncles car was found without its wheels in that old, derelict warehouse.

                d)           Sarah's uncle's car was found without it's wheels in that old, derelict warehouse.


5-  a)      I can't see Tim's car, there must have been an accident.

                b)           I cant see Tim's car; there must have been an accident.

                c)            I can't see Tim's car there must have been an accident.

                d)           I can't see Tim's car; there must have been an accident.


6-  a)      Paul's neighbours were terrible; so his brother's friends went round to have a word.

                b)           Paul's neighbours were terrible: so his brother's friends went round to have a word.

                c)            Paul's neighbours were terrible, so his brother's friends went round to have a word.

                d)           Paul's neighbours were terrible so his brother's friends went round to have a word.


7-  a)      Tims gran, a formidable woman, always bought him chocolate, cakes, sweets and a nice fresh apple.

                b)           Tim's gran a formidable woman always bought him chocolate, cakes, sweets and a nice fresh apple.

                c)            Tim's gran, a formidable woman, always bought him chocolate cakes sweets and a nice fresh apple.

                d)           Tim's gran, a formidable woman, always bought him chocolate, cakes, sweets and a nice fresh apple.


8-            a)            After stealing Tims car, the thief lost his way and ended up the chief constable's garage.

                b)           After stealing Tim's car the thief lost his way and ended up the chief constable's garage.

                c)            After stealing Tim's car, the thief lost his way and ended up the chief constable's garage.

                d)           After stealing Tim's car, the thief lost his' way and ended up the chief constable's garage.


9-            a)            We decided to visit: Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy's mountains.

                b)           We decided to visit Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italys mountains.

                c)            We decided to visit Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy's mountains.

                d)           We decided to visit Spain Greece Portugal and Italy's mountains.


10-a)     That tall man, Paul's grandad, is this month's winner.

                b)           That tall man Paul's grandad is this month's winner.

                c)            That tall man, Paul's grandad, is this months winner.

                d)           That tall man, Pauls grandad, is this month's winner.

3.1.6 Develop the writing activity on page 59: write a formal email (not exceeding one page long) to the manufacturer of one of the products and ask them to send you a catalogue, price list and sample of the product you are interested in (find also about their delivery date if you place and order).


Product name

RC1 spaceship


Inside track

Product description

A radio-controlled spaceship, made of plastic and steel; goes backwards and forwards; can turn 360 degrees

Small battery-operated robot; made of plastic and rubber, wears big rubber boots; talks in a funny boys, always about itself; based on a character in a tv programme.

A two-wheel skateboard; very fast, doesn´t make much noise; best-selling skateboard in China and Brazil





Target market

Children aged 3+

Childres aged 5+

Sketeboarders aged 15+


Blue and green

Red and yellow

Eight bright colours

Selling points

Press a button and the front rises; hand control easy to use

Kent sing five sons; goes fast backwards

Sketeboards have colourful designs by a famous artist; Jeff Rollins, skateboard champion, advertises the product


5% for new customer, 3% for early payment

5% for new customers

15% for orders over 3,000 items

New message






Andres Builes


Inside Track


send you a catalogue of sketeboard


Dear Sirs Inside Track

Please send me a catalog of skateboards, with your quotation, including: product description, price, target market, colors, outlets, discount and last date of delivery after ordering.


Andres Builes


A    I   +


















Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 2)

4.1 Final project (Stage 2)


4.1.1 Work in the same groups of 3 or 4 people (of study guide 1).

• Members of the group.

Gloria Giselly Jiménez Duarte.

Cesar Augusto Valencia Mosquera.

Andrés Builes Álvarez.

4.1.2 Look for all the information of the most representative product of the company you chose in Stage 1 of this project and put such information in a prezi presentation (or in a similar tool -other than Power Point).




4.1.3 Design a marketing strategy to sell this product to your classmates (use any collaborative and interactive tool to present this information -time lines, prezi, graphs, inphographics, etc.).




4.1.4 Put this information in your blog and paste the link of your blog on the Word file.






  •  David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Nina O´Driscoll. (2012). Elementary Market Leader. Pearson.