Interview between a member of the Human Resource Department and an employee 

HR- what is your current position with the company?

Employee- I am a website developer.

HR- Tell me about your job duties.

Employee- I build software programs, design web pages, graphics and images, advice clients how to improve their software.

HR- what is your job schedule?

Employee- I work from 8:00 AM to 5:00PM but often later and on weekends.

HR- How often are your breaks?

Employee- I don't have regular breaks.

HR- How about your lunch? When and where do you take lunch.

Employee- I usually have a sandwich at my desk.

HR- What are your feelings about your job? What do you like and what dont you like about your job?

Employee- I enjoy my job and I like my colleagues. What I don't like about my job is my boss because:

•he doesn't give me clear goals.

•tries to tell me how to do my job.

•asks me for daily reports about my work.