Andrés Builes Álvarez











Learning Guideline 1. Entering into the business world





Álvaro Hernán Amaya Goyeneche




Andrés Builes Álvarez




Universidad EAN

Facultad de Estudios en Ambientes Virtuales

Administración de empresas







1.1 Vocabulary. 5

1.2 Grammar. 5

2.1 Reading.. 5

2.1.1 Read article from small town to global leader on page 9 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to B. 5

A- Read this article. Then complete the chart below. 5

B- Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 5

2.1.2      Open your Market Leader book on page 16, read article Business diary: Eugene Kaspersky, and develop exercises A to E. Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 1. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions). 6

A- Before you read are article, discuss these questions. 6

B - Look through this article. Can you find any of the ideas you discussed in exercise A?. 6

C - Answer these questions. 6

D - Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 6

E - In each box, matches the words that go together. 7

2.1.3 Develop exercises A to E on page 24 of your Market Leader book. 7

A - Which of these adjectives describe work in a call center?. 7

B - Three call-center workers answer the question “What are the biggest problems for you at work?”  Read their replies. 7

C - Look at the chart and tick the problems the call-center workers talk about in the replies. Who talks about each problem? Write Birgit (B), Vijay (V) or Kevin (K). 7

D - Which three physical problems are mentioned in Birgit´s replay?. 8

E - Underline the adjectives from Exercise A in the replies. 8

2.2.2      Open your Market Leader book on page 8 and develop exercises A to B on listening. 8

A - Jeremy Keeley is a consultant. Listen to him introducing himself in the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 8

B - Listen to the second part. Complete what Jeremy says about meeting new business contacts and exchanging business cards. 8

2.2.3 Go to page 18 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to E on listening. 8

A - Listen to the first part of an interview whit Ros Pomeroy. What does she like most about her job?. 8

B - Listen again and complete these notes. 9

C - Listen to the second part of interview and answer these questions. 9

D - In pairs predict what Ros likes doing to relax?. 9

E - Listen to the final part and check your answers?. 9

2.2.4 Develop exercises A to C on page 23 of your Market Leader book. 9

A - Jeremy Keeley, a specialist in change leadership, talks about problems he has at work. Listen to the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 9

B - Listen to the second part, in which Jeremy talks about the biggest problems in companies, and complete these notes. 9

C - Listen to the third part of the interview and answer these questions. 10

2.2.6      Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered: 10

3.1 Speaking and writing.. 11

3.1.1 Meet a classmate online and go over case study 1 on page 13 of your Market Leader book. Then develop tasks 1, 2 and 3. 11

3.1.2 Develop exercise C on page 17 of your Market Leader book. 12

C - Write a paragraph like the one in exercise B about yourself. 12

3.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 21 and read case study 2. Meet a classmate and record the interview between a member of the Human Resource Department and an employee (tasks 1 and 2). Use or to record the interview, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of both team members. 12

3.1.4 After recording your interview, send the link to another group. 13

3.1.5 Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with the way of writing a good paragraph. Now try to write one about anything you like! 13

3.1.6 Based on the recording you have received, develop the writing activity on page 21: Write a formal email (not exceeding one page long) to Human Resources and report what the employee (of the recording you have received) has expressed during the interview. Take into account: 13

4.1 Final project (Stage 1) 14

4.1.1 Work in groups of 3 or 4 people. 14

4.1.2 Choose one of the options as follows: 14

4.1.3 After having chosen the company, send an email to your tutor and classmates telling them the name of the company you will be working in. You cannot work with another team’s company. 14

4.1.4 collaborative and interactive tool to present this information. 14

4.1.5 My Blog link. 14






Learning Guideline 1. Entering into the business world





Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar.

1.1 Vocabulary.

Is in my personal blog.

1.2 Grammar

Is in my personal blog.


Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1 Reading

2.1.1 Read article from small town to global leader on page 9 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to B.

A- Read this article. Then complete the chart below.

Angela Ahrendsts

Age - 50

Job – CEO in fashion company “Burberry”.

Nationality – American

Family – Married with Greg, They have son (15 year old) and two daughters (14 and 11 year old)

Interest outside work – she likes to eat pizza with her children or play basketball with them.

B- Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 - Burberry is an American company.  (False) It´s a British company.

2 - Burberry is a global fashion company. (True)

3 - All Ahrendts´s children are teenagers. (True).

4 - They are at school in America. (False) The children are at an American international school in London.

5 - Most mornings, Ahrendts is up before 5 a.m. (True).

6 - She is away on business most weeks. (False) She travels on business one week a month.

7 - She has a lot of interest outside work. (False) She don´t have time or other things.

8 - For Ahrendst keeping in contact with relatives is important. (True).

2.1.2  Open your Market Leader book on page 16, read article Business diary: Eugene Kaspersky, and develop exercises A to E. Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 1. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions).

A- Before you read are article, discuss these questions.

1 - What do you thing is a typical day in the life of the CEO of a big company?

In a typical day, a CEO gets up early, gets exercises, reads newspapers, takes a healthy breakfast and go out to his office for attend a lot of business reunions all day. In the night, this person dedicates time for being whit the family.

2 - How much time do CEOs spend traveling?

I think a CEO spend two day a week in a business travels.

3 - Do CEOs need holydays?

Yes, CEOs do. All persons independently of his jobs need to rest and enjoy your holydays.

B - Look through this article. Can you find any of the ideas you discussed in exercise A?

I don´t find any similitude between article and my appreciation.

C - Answer these questions.

1 - Is Kaspersky a formal or informal CEO?

He is an informal CEO, he wears shirt and jeans.

2-   Is most of his business in Russia or in other countries?

The most of his business are in 29 countries, he spends three weeks in month to trip.

3 - Does he work 24/7 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)?

No, he doesn´t. when he is out from Russia sleeps three or four hours a day, and when he is in Moscow, he doesn´t get up early.

D - Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 - Kaspersky travels a lot. (T)

2 - he wears formal business clothes in the office. (F) - He wears shirt and jeans.

3 - he gets up early every day. (F) He doesn´t get up early when he is in Moscow, only gets up early when is away from Russia.

4 - He goes to the gym after work. (T).

5 - He likes to have time to relax when he´s in Moscow. (T).

6 - He only has holydays in summer. (F) Also has holydays in winter, where he practices snow sky.

E - In each box, matches the words that go together.

1 – Trade. b) Show.

2 – Business. a) Trip.

3 – Personal. d) Trainer.

4 - Office. c) Day.

5 - Attend. g) Meetings.

6 – Give. e) Presentations.

7 – Spend. h) Time.

8 – Go.  f) Skiing.

2.1.3 Develop exercises A to E on page 24 of your Market Leader book.

A - Which of these adjectives describe work in a call center?

The adjectives what describe work in a call center is: boring, noisy, stressful and badly paid.

B - Three call-center workers answer the question “What are the biggest problems for you at work?”  Read their replies.

The biggest problems for them in the work are:  boring, noisy, stressful and hours long.

C - Look at the chart and tick the problems the call-center workers talk about in the replies. Who talks about each problem? Write Birgit (B), Vijay (V) or Kevin (K).





Long working day



Breaks too short



Long hours al workstation



Boring work



No promotion



Angry customers



Low pay



No time between calls



High staff turnover



A lot of noise




D - Which three physical problems are mentioned in Birgit´s replay?

  • The Workstation is very close together, so it´s very noisy.
  • Sitting at a workstation for many hours causes backache.
  • Look at the computer screen for too long cause headaches.

E - Underline the adjectives from Exercise A in the replies.




2.2.2  Open your Market Leader book on page 8 and develop exercises A to B on listening.

A - Jeremy Keeley is a consultant. Listen to him introducing himself in the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1. (T).

2. (F) Not, he has three teenage children.

3. (T).

4. (F) Not, His business works for organizations across the UK and in Europe.

5. (T).

6. (T).

B - Listen to the second part. Complete what Jeremy says about meeting new business contacts and exchanging business cards.

I usually say, “Hello, How are you?, “Where do you come from?, “What do you do? I usually find out what´s important to them, why they´re there. I usually wait until they´ve asked me a question before I talk too much about myself.

     I usually wait until the person I´m meeting offers me a business card before I offer then mine, so we´ll exchange them at that point.

2.2.3 Go to page 18 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to E on listening.

A - Listen to the first part of an interview whit Ros Pomeroy. What does she like most about her job?

She likes to work with different clients and go different meetings.

B - Listen again and complete these notes.

Ros can be:

  • In meetings.
  • Running a workshop or a discussion.
  • In her own office in front of a computer screen.
  • On the phone.

C - Listen to the second part of interview and answer these questions.

1 - What two things sometimes make it difficult to find enough time for leisure?

In some weeks she must to work very long hours and she has two children.

2 - Overall, does Ros have enough time for leisure?

Yes, she thinks she has time for leisure.

D - In pairs predict what Ros likes doing to relax?

She likes for relax go to cinema with her family and stay in home playing with her children.

E - Listen to the final part and check your answers?

She likes read newspapers the weekends and run across the city.

2.2.4 Develop exercises A to C on page 23 of your Market Leader book.

A - Jeremy Keeley, a specialist in change leadership, talks about problems he has at work. Listen to the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 - Jeremy often works with a large number of people. (F) He works alone in his own office.

2 - His clients have quite complicated problems. (V).

3 - Jeremy´s biggest problem is having enough time to do a good job. (V).

4 - He also faces urgent requests for help when he is already very busy. (V).

B - Listen to the second part, in which Jeremy talks about the biggest problems in companies, and complete these notes.

  • Biggest problem – amount of change they have to go through at speed.
  • Second problem – difficult to plan their needs and resources (staff, equipment, the property, money they need to satisfy their costumers).
  • Another problem – costumers expect them to reduce the prices at the same time as companies have increasing costs.

C - Listen to the third part of the interview and answer these questions.

1 - What sorts of problem is Jeremy asked to solve?

His costumers asked him to help them solve complicated problems.

2 - What was the problem Jeremy had to solve?

He had to solve a designer problem about the computer system of millions customers.

3 - Which difference groups did he bring together to solve the problem?

The group was integrated by a technical team, a business team, a project team and the suppliers.

2.2.6  Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered:

  • Write at least three different greetings Anna uses to say hello to her friends.

Good morning?              How are you?                    How are you doing?

  • Where is Mr. Cho from?

Mr. Cho is from TaiPei

  • What is Mr. Méndez profession?

His profession is programmer

  • Why is the Japanese girl travelling?

Because she will learn English in other country.

  • What time does the class supposed to start?

The class must to start before 10 o´clock.

  • Who is the first person the Japanese girl talks to when she gets inside the room?

The instructor.

  • Why is the brown-skin woman mad at Sam?

She is mad because Sam has all documents are not in order.


Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing

3.1 Speaking and writing

3.1.1 Meet a classmate online and go over case study 1 on page 13 of your Market Leader book. Then develop tasks 1, 2 and 3.

1. Talk about the people in the profiles.

Jenny Wong is from Taiwan.

She isn´t a university graduate, she has a high-school certificate.

She has 20 years old.

She has worked in a bookshop as sales assistant.

She speaks fluent Chinese, basic knowledge of English

She is elegant and friendly and likes the music and international cinema.

Cindy Tan is from Hong Kong

She has 21 years old.

She´s graduated in geography at the university

She has never worked.

She speaks fluent Chinese and good standard of English.

She´s well-dressed, confident and likes meet people.

David Chong is from Singapore

He has 24 years old.

He has worked as website designer because he´s and university graduate of computing.

He is interested in computer games and karate.

He speaks fluent Chinese and English.

He´s serious and hard working.

2. Imagine you have time to talk to only one of the candidates. Decide which person you want to meet.

A: I´d  like to talk to  Cindy Tan  because she´s university graduate of Geography.

B: I agree because a think is very important has knowledge of this professional area.

3. You meet at the job fair and talk about the sales position.

Student A

You are a director of tread light film company. Ask the job seeker questions based on these prompts:

Where are you come from?

I´m from Santa Marta Colombia

Why do you want the job?

Because i like see movies.

 What is your best quality?

My best quality is responsible and hardworking.

What is your favorite film or television programmer?

My favorite film is the avengers.

Why do you like the film television programmer?

Because is full of action.

3.1.2 Develop exercise C on page 17 of your Market Leader book.

C - Write a paragraph like the one in exercise B about yourself

I´m Andrés Builes, I´m single I from Santa Marta, My mother is housewife, my father is merchant, my sister is dentist. I´m working in the nautical sport, I study at the university EAN,I like the beach, go parties, driving cars, the airplanes is my passion, in fact I like to play with flying simulators, I like soccer, and every night I run for maintain physical fitness.

3.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 21 and read case study 2. Meet a classmate and record the interview between a member of the Human Resource Department and an employee (tasks 1 and 2). Use or to record the interview, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of both team members.

Is in my personal blog.

3.1.4 After recording your interview, send the link to another group.

3.1.5 Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with the way of writing a good paragraph. Now try to write one about anything you like!

I´m a person who grew up near the sea on the beach, which made me like everything that relates to the sea, in fact, I have a nautical sports company and I really enjoy it. I like to watch the sunset and trotting on the beach.

3.1.6 Based on the recording you have received, develop the writing activity on page 21: Write a formal email (not exceeding one page long) to Human Resources and report what the employee (of the recording you have received) has expressed during the interview. Take into account:

What he/she likes about his/her job?

What he/she does not like about his/her job?

What he/she wants to change in the company?

The interviewee is Gloria Jimenez, graphic designer; she works at Hudson Design INC. According to what she expresses about the company, is that the owners do not listen to new ideas, they are also very demanding of working time, which does not reach them and touch them to work weekends without receiving remuneration. Besides not offer training to younger designers. If for some reason cannot attend work due to medical disabilities also get angry. Time for lunch is not enough to go home, so they must take their lunch to work. Practically what she likes about her job is doing what she studied.

     What she would like to change about the company where she works, is that owners can help designers to train and develop new ideas, and that could organize working time to not have to work at home during the weekends.


Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 1)

4.1 Final project (Stage 1)

4.1.1 Work in groups of 3 or 4 people.

• Members of the group.

Gloria Giselly Jiménez Duarte.

Cesar Augusto Valencia Mosquera.

Andrés Builes Álvarez.

4.1.2 Choose one of the options as follows:

Option 1: choose a Colombian company exporting any product to the United States or Canada.

4.1.3 After having chosen the company, send an email to your tutor and classmates telling them the name of the company you will be working in. You cannot work with another team’s company.


4.1.4 collaborative and interactive tool to present this information

Prezi .


4.1.5 My Blog link.



  •  David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Nina O´Driscoll. (2012). Elementary Market Leader. Pearson.