Andrés Builes Alvarez

It all started about several years ago, a beautiful lady had her second child in the city of Medellín, called Andres Builes Álvarez (me), at the time my sister was 5. When I was one, my parents decided to return to the city of Santa Marta. Six years prior they lived there, we also lived two years in Cartagena. Due to the fact that the source of business for my parents is located in the Atlantic coast. In My first school year I attended the Gimnasio campestre where I left after the first year and then attended, San Luis Beltrán. In this school I completed my elementary education.

     Two days after my graduation I was drafted for selective service. At first it was very hard for me because I was in the wrong place, it was hard to get used to so many people. The sharing of the restroom was one of my worst nightmares. With the passing of time, gradually things began to get easier and the hardships to decrease.

     After my last year of service I took a break in Medellin before beginning business administration in the University of Eafit that I studied for seven semesters in that city. My immaturity and wrong choices led me not to take full advantage of the opportunities presented to me from my studies at Eafit. I stopped going to school for a year where I worked in my parents business in Santa Marta. I returned to the city "of eternal spring" (Medellin) and transferred to the University of Medellin for Business administration and did four semesters. For reasons I am not aware of my courses from my prior University (Eafit) were not transferred in a timely manner and I was never happy with that. I tried in several occasions to get my transfers but I did not succeed.

     Again I took a wrong turn and went back to Santa Marta without getting my degree. Not knowing what to do at this point and avoiding to be a burden for my parents, I began a business venture. Now with a shipping company and a jet ski, boat rental business and anything related to marine recreation, in the back of my mind was always the idea of graduating.

     Time passed and my stubbornness to pursue my career at the University of Santa Marta continued. A couple of years ago an ex-girlfriend I had in Medellin and now lives in Bogota had mentioned EAN University. She had enrolled and invited me to do the same. I had that on my mind for a while but held back. She has since graduated and I intend to do the same. Today I am starting a new challenge in my life full of expectations and happy decisions. It's never too late to start, it is never late for anything. My past mistakes I leave behind. Now I know that the University EAN will help me achieve my goals.


Fotogalería: Autobiography